** Approved for the 2023-24 School Year at the General Membership Meeting October 2023 **

  1.   The name of this unit shall be ISSAQUAH CHALLENGER PTA 2.6.6.  It was chartered on June 16, 1989.
  2.  This unit serves the children in the Challenger Elementary School community. 
  3.  This unit is a non-profit corporation recognized by the State of Washington.  This PTA was incorporated on November 22, 1989 and assigned corporation number 2-420106-3.  It was assigned UBI 601214736. The Treasurer is responsible for filing the Annual Corporation Report.  The registered agent for this corporation is the Washington State PTA, located in Tacoma, WA.
  4.  This unit is registered under the Charitable Solicitations Act, registration number 2325.  The Treasurer is responsible for filing the annual registration by May 31st to avoid penalties.
  5. This unit was granted tax-exempt status under 501(c)3 on September 13, 1994.  It has an Employee Identification Number (EIN), given upon request.
  6. The Treasurer is responsible for filing IRS Form 990EZ or Form 990 (if required) prior to November 15th and presenting a copy to the Board by November 1st.
  7.   The Board Members will complete the standard of affiliation checklist to ensure we remain in good standing.  The completed checklist will be kept in the Secretary's Binder and made available to the WSPTA should we be selected for periodic review.
  8. The membership service fee for this unit shall not exceed $25.00 per household and $10.00 for school staff. 
  9. The students of Challenger Elementary School shall be considered honorary members of this unit without voice, vote or privilege of holding office.
  10. 10. The elected officers of this unit shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, and any co-position holders thereof.  Officers need not have co-positions unless deemed necessary by the Nominating Committee.  These elected officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.  Each co-position holder shall be entitled to voice and vote at a Board of Directors’ meeting.  Only elected officers may be check signers for this PTA™s authorized bank account.  Officers shall serve a term of one year from July 1st through June 30th.  No person shall serve in the same elected position for more than two consecutive terms.
  11. The Executive Committee shall appoint Standing Committee chairpersons and any co-positions thereof.  Chairpersons need not have co-positions unless deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.  Appointments shall be made within thirty (30) days of the election of the Executive Committee
  12. The Standing Committees shall be: membership, fundraising, volunteers, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) (The Family and Community Engagement (FACE) co-ordinator is automatically considered a member of the DEI committee)
  13. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee, Standing Committee Chairpersons, and the school Principal (with voice and no vote).  The Board of Directors will meet monthly, on a date and time to be determined by the Board, or more or less frequently as determined necessary by the Board.  The Co-Presidents will preside at all PTA board and general meetings, and in the absence of the President, the Vice President will perform the duties of the president.
  14.   Our PTA will comply with the training requirements necessary to remain in good standing as specified in the WSPTA Standards of Affiliation Checklist which states that at least one elected officer must attend PTA and the Law, and all other elected officers must attend at least one WSPTA approved training before the current year's WSPTA convention.
  15. An office/chairmanship shall be declared vacant if that person misses three consecutive meetings, unless otherwise excused by the President(s).  Refer to the Uniform Bylaws of the Washington State PTA.
  16. Any PTA officer or standing committee chairperson must disclose in a written statement any conflict of interest regarding PTA business, then remove him/herself from deliberations and voting regarding the matter.  This abstention should also be recorded in the minutes of the Board meeting or general membership meeting at which the deliberations and voting took place.
  17. General membership meetings of this unit shall be held on the 2nd Tuesday of October, November, January, March, and May, unless announced otherwise.  These meetings will be held to approve the Standing Rules (October), elect a Nominating Committee (January), elect Executive Officers (March or May), approve its annual operating budget (May) and conduct other business.
  18. This unit shall keep at least one (1) copy of its legal documents.  The PTA Treasurer will keep the copy.
  19. The order of business for general membership meetings of this unit shall include, but not be limited to: Call to Order, Approval of Minutes, President's Report, Principals Report, Teachers Report, Vice President's Report, Secretary's Report, Treasurer's Report, Committee Reports, Open Forum, Adjournment.
  20. The Standing Rules shall be adopted annually by a majority vote at the October General Membership meeting and may be amended at any regular General Membership meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, or if previous notice has been given, by a majority vote.
  21. The Nominating Committee shall be elected at the January general membership meeting, according to Article 5, Section 5 of the Uniform Bylaws of the Washington State PTA, or at any general membership meeting.
  22. Additional budgeting/fund allocation or reallocation over 10% of the annual approved budget shall be addressed at regular general membership meetings.
  23. This unit shall conduct a financial review of its books and records in January of each year in addition to the required financial review at the close of the fiscal year on June 30th.
  24. The PTA's monthly bank account statements shall be provided unopened to a person appointed by the executive board who is not a signer on the account. The reviewer shall promptly report any concerns or discrepancies identified in the review to the executive committee. If there are no concerns or discrepancies, the reviewer shall initial and date the account statements and provide them to the treasurer.  
  25. All reimbursement requests shall include all necessary receipts and should be submitted to the treasurer within sixty (60) days of purchase.  All requests for reimbursement should be received by June 1st.  Should the PTA receive an NSF check, a $10 service fee will be charged in addition to any bank penalties the PTA may accrue.  If the NSF check or checks are not paid within three (3) weeks from the date of PTAs notification by the bank, then the PTA will not accept any checks from this individual for the remainder of the school year.
  26. Golden Acorn Award(s) shall be given annually to outstanding volunteers.  Outstanding Educator Award(s) shall be given annually to outstanding staff members.  A committee appointed by the Board of Directors shall determine the number of awards and select the recipients.  A previous Award recipient may be awarded this same award at the sole discretion of the committee.
  27. Voting delegates to the Issaquah PTSA Council shall be the President or Co-Presidents, and three authorized delegates.  Refer to the Uniform Bylaws of the Washington State PTA.  The Board of Directors shall determine the vote of this PTA for the position of Washington State PTA Region Director.
  28. Voting delegates to the annual state PTA Convention shall be elected by the majority vote of the general membership.  Refer to the Uniform Bylaws of the Washington State PTA.
  29. Voting delegates to the Washington State PTA Legislative Assembly shall be the Legislative Chairperson(s), unless otherwise designated by the Board.